Blog | Industry Initiatives Defeating Crime and Covid-19
Since the pandemic took hold of the UK in March 2020, with life largely coming to a halt, theft and property damage has unfortunately remained virtually unaffected.
The police recorded approximately 5.8 MILLION offenses in the UK for the 12 months ending in June 2020. A staggering amount!
With car theft remaining high in local areas including Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield, Tamworth and surrounding areas.
MSS – Providing security throughout the pandemic
We have at Midland Security & Surveillance (MSS), continued throughout the pandemic to provide high-quality security solutions including:
• CCTV Security
• Intruder Alarms
• Alarm Monitoring
• Access Control Systems
Adhering to government guidelines, we are ensuring the safety of staff and customers by social distancing, wearing of masks, washing of hands and are working remotely when possible.
Online technology has allowed us to serve and provide additional support to our customers in Sutton Coldfield and the West Midlands without always the need for face-to-face visits.
Industry initiatives defeating crime and COVID-19
Security solutions are being adapted in our industry, quite cleverly I might add, helping us to win the fight against crime and COVID-19. Examples include Access Control Systems and CCTV Security Cameras.
Access Control Systems
Access control systems help manage the movement of people into, around and out of buildings such as shops, office premises and even homes.
In a commercial setting, these systems have been used to prevent unauthorised visitors from entering an office complex and accessing key areas such as server rooms.
Through software development, these access control systems are also providing non-contact forms of identification. Visitor access can be granted or denied without the need for a receptionist or security guard to meet face to face and potentially become exposed to visitors who may be carrying the virus.
Initiatives have also allowed businesses to monitor individual movements, helping aid the government’s efforts in track and trace.
CCTV Security Cameras
The ever constant, watchful eyes of CCTV cameras have and continue to provide us with a key and cost-effective deterrent.
CCTV security increases the likelihood of:
• offenders being identified
• a form of response mobilised in a timely manner
• collecting evidence which can be used in a court of law.
FACT – The College Policing report that overall crime decreased by 51% in private and public car parks following the installation of CCTV Security. – That’s A Great Result!!
Through thermal imagery, CCTV cameras are helping identify those potentially carrying the virus.
Thermal imagery allows for a person’s temperature to be taken. As we are aware, a high temperature is a common symptom of coronavirus.
Should an individual’s temperature be above the natural 37 degrees Celsius, action can be taken to inform the individual, reduce the chances of them coming into contact with others along with aiding track and trace.
MSS, here to protect you
Based in Sutton Coldfield, we are an accredited security supplier which provides high-quality security solutions including CCTV Security, Surveillance, Intruder Alarms, 24-hour Remote Alarm Monitoring and Access Control.
Established in 1998, we have successfully provided security solutions for residential properties and businesses across the West Midlands including in towns Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield, Tamworth and surrounding areas.
For further details on how we can help protect you, your home or business, visit us at www.mss-security.co.uk or speak with our team on 01213232126.